Bristow and BHP Billiton Trinidad and Tobago Commemorate New Drilling Campaign

Bristow Area Manager Paul Doxey joined government officials and representatives from BHP Billiton Trinidad and Tobago in a ceremony at Trinidad May 18, 2016, to mark the inaugural use of the Sikorsky S-92 aircraft in the country which will be used in support of BHP Billiton's new deepwater drilling campaign.
The ceremony was held at Bristow's hangar at the Piarco International Airport with the S-92 on display. Doxey spoke on behalf of Bristow to welcome guests from Trinidad and Tobago's energy sector, government agencies and media. Following remarks by Country Manager BHP Billiton Trinidad and Tobago Vincent Pereira and the Honorable Minister of Energy and Energy Industries Nicole Olivierre, Doxey and Pereira presented the minister with a plaque to commemorate the start of service, then invited guests to tour the S-92.
"I would like to recognize the dedication of our team in Trinidad and Tobago and the Americas Region team in Houston and Louisiana for mobilizing quickly and working closely with BHP Billiton to ensure a smooth startup of this service," said Doxey. "The team's work is a true testament to the Bristow way and highlights the professionalism of our people to deliver the highest level of service while keeping safety at the core of all that we do."
The new contract, which is scheduled to begin on May 21, 2016, is a sign that with the country's support, the market is opening up for deepwater projects. It also marks a significant milestone for Trinidad and Tobago's oil and gas industry, Bristow and BHP Billiton Trinidad and Tobago. This is the first time this category type helicopter is being used in the country's oil and gas market and the first time that Bristow is utilizing an S-92 in the country.
"BHP Billiton Trinidad and Tobago is now on the eve of commencing Phase 1 of our deepwater drilling campaign off the coast of Trinidad and Tobago. Phase 1 is expected to last for approximately nine months, after which we will pause to analyze our data," said Pereira.
"Today's ceremony is a simple yet important symbol of BHP Billiton's commitment to long-term investment in Trinidad and Tobago. BHP Billiton is excited by Trinidad and Tobago's deepwater prospects and we are keenly looking forward to our drilling results," he continued.