Bristow Helicopters Employees Walk for World Autism Awareness Day

Bristow Helicopter employees at Port Harcourt joined together for the three-kilometer Port Harcourt Walk 4 Autism April 2, 2016, raising more than $500 to benefit Blazing Heart Autism Center (BHAC). BHAC aims to create awareness, support and understanding for individuals living with autism and other related disabilities. The event coincided with Autism Awareness Month, which is April, and Autism Awareness Day, which is April 2.
“It was a great event,” said Bristow Helicopter Base Manager Alex Oshomah. “We had representation from all departments, with the base manager, chief engineer, client liaison officers, engineers, pilots and other support staff all on hand to help make this an impactful event. A number of staff still had to go back to work immediately following the event, which is extremely commendable!”
BHAC Executive Director Ebi Kumesine expressed appreciation to the Bristow team who turned out for the walk. “We had great support from the Bristow family at the event,” said Kumesine. “You guys rock!”