Bristow Helicopters Re-opens Baseline

Employees from Bristow Helicopters’ Redhill office recently visited The Orpheus Centre, an independent specialist college for disabled young adults, for the official re-opening of Baseline.
Baseline is a vital teaching space on the Orpheus campus that was recently refurbished using a generous donation of £78,000 from Bristow. The funding has allowed Orpheus to create a more flexible and fully accessible space for students with sensory impairments and learning difficulties. The old space has also been redecorated and received new computer suites, smartboards and a state of the art music and video editing suite.
Lynn Reddick, Head of Learning said: “The refurbishment has transformed what was a tired, untidy and slightly unloved area, in to a vibrant hub for students both during the learning day and in their free time.”
Speaking about Bristow’s support of the Orpheus Centre, James Howell-Richardson, Associate and General Counsel, said: “Since 2012, Bristow has donated over £150,000 to the Orpheus Centre. I am very proud of the tremendous difference our fundraising continues to make to this organisation and to the inspiring young adults who attend it.
“In addition to company donations, Bristow employees have raised numerous sums of money by taking part in individual or team events and we have spent many hours at the Centre turning over stones, painting or clearing waste on Bristow Uplift Volunteer days. We look forward to continuing this important relationship with the Centre.”